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Tom Pauken Endorses Jonathan Stickland
We are extremely grateful for all our endorsements throughout the campaign and today’s is no exception. Tom Pauken, former Reagan White House staff and former Texas Republican Party Chairman has endorsed me as the true conservative in the race for State Representative District 92.
Tom Pauken announced his endorsement saying, “Jonathan Stickland is a rock solid conservative who understands the value of vocational training in education and the benefit that will be to our economy.”
Pauken continued, “One thing I particularly admire about Jonathan is his support for term limits for elected officials and his willingness to apply them to himself. We have too many career politicians who are more interested in getting re-elected than doing what is for the good of the country.”
I am very grateful for Tom’s endorsement and the further defining of our campaign as standing for the true conservative values of individual freedoms and less and limited government.
It was another great day at the polls! I met many supporters and feel the momentum building as we continue through the last week of the campaign. If you have not early voted you can do so through this Friday the 25th.