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A Message from Jonathan

January 10, 2013

These are troubling times. Too often we are forced to watch as Washington spends money it doesn’t have and risks bankrupting our nation and future generations. But I have been blessed by the voters of District 92 with the opportunity to lead by example. An opportunity to show Americans that there is another way. Though I’m concerned with the state of our nation, I’m hopeful that Texans can lead the way out of our current fiscal mess.

I was honored to be sworn-in yesterday as your State Representative for District 92. My official Representative page can be found here and we will be adding more material to it soon. My office can be found in the Capitol’s extension, office number E1.418. Don’t hesitate to come by the office if you ever find yourself in Austin. Remember, this office doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to you: the people who put me here.

You may also call or email us at any time during the session with questions or concerns you have. Remember, I am here as your Representative and interface to our state government. It is an unfortunate fact of modern life that government is so often now involved in our daily lives. My staff and I will do everything we can to help you navigate the twists and turns of state government.

Please know that it is because of you that I have the privilege of fighting for the next five months to preserve and protect your freedoms.

God Bless,

Jonathan Stickland