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I am a Sinner Saved by Grace
January 7, 2015
I talked with Scott Fisher days after he announced his campaign and we both agreed to run very positive campaigns, focused on our differences on the issues. It’s clear he never had any intention of keeping his word, and it is disappointing that he would chose to attack me and my family three days after Christmas.
Anyone who knows my testimony, my family, friends, and many supporters, are aware that I smoked marijuana regularly in high school and my early collegiate years. Let me even go a step further and say throughout my teens and twenties I have said and done things I wish I hadn’t. But by the Grace of God my past sins are forgiven.
Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and I have all smoked marijuana. I never grew marijuana. But I hope and pray that my daughters never make the mistake I made, and that, if they do fail, they know of the forgiveness readily available.
Scott Fisher knows that I represent the Christian conservative values of my constituents, so he has instead decided to focus on a post I made at 17 years old, and mistakes I made in my teens and twenties. It’s disappointing that politics has gotten to this point where even a pastor will stoop this low.
Every campaign I have run has focused on the issues, but if Mr. Fisher wants to make this campaign about my personal testimony, we can do that too.
VOLUNTEER for Liberty